"And I tell you, if you have the desire for knowledge and the power to give it physcial expression, go out and explore... Some will tell you that you are mad, and nearly all will say, 'What is the use?' For we are a nation of shopkeepers, and no shopkeeper will look at research which does not promise him a financial return within a year. And so you will sledge nearly alone, but those with whom you sledge will not be shopkeepers: that is worth a great deal. If you march your Winter Journeys you will have your reward, so long as all you want is a penguin's egg."

-Apsley Cherry-Garrard, from
The Worst Journey in the World

Saturday 7 August 2010

Was meant to be going to a temple today but woke up with a proper woozy stomach and just ended out vomitting a load of orange stuff up. I don't know whether it was the beer, soju or the food.... am having a bit of difficulty with the food at the mo PURELY because there are so many flavours on one plate and my stomach can't hack them just yet. But the only reason I threw up in the first instance was because I drank a load of water so am thinking it was waiting all night to come back up and just needed an excuse really.
Settling in is going pretty sweet, they have put all the Brits with another Brit to share a room with which is kinda nice. The university is pretty incredible... all the rooms are (to use a pretty pathetic but very suited word) modern. All the buildings are on one campus, the rooms are big and bright (thanks to some very large windows :D), they've got some super good technology and there isn't any litter, graffiti or major roads around. Also they are super green here; if there isn't a building or a road on the earth then there are trees. I have yet to see fields here. If I look out my window I can see sooooooooo many hills in the distance and they are just sinking under the weight of so many trees. Honest. Well maybe not sinking.
Apparently Koreans have this thing about 'showing face' that crime is low, people are happy and a large emphasis on forgiveness. Two examples: we were sat on a bench playing cards in the town yesterday and policeman came up to us and gave us a beer. Second example: we were walking home last night at about 11pm and there were groups of kids between the ages of 11 upwards on thier own. Shockin enough as it is, they didn't have angry looks to thier faces, they weren't drunk or high or wearing hoods.... they were just playing about in town. MENTAL.
Back to it there are 11 people (including me) going to Jeju island and I'd like to say everybody but I don't think that everybody is but MOST people are proper jealous of us. Accordingly it really is quite beautiful over there. Now I can say that EVERYBODY in my class now knows my name as I was a day late, the coordinator chap said on Wednesday mornin infront of our 50+people class 'do we have any newbies in the room?'. Turned out to be the only newbie, introduced myself and then as if my some creepy 1984 style recitation everbody in the class turned to me and boomed 'Hellllllllllllllo Simon'. I think it would be a huge understatment to say that I became a little embarressed had a hint of red on my cheeks. And so now I have people comin to me asking 'You're Simon right...?'. Yes, yes I am.
Humidity out here is intense, every room has air conditioning, so much so that sometimes it can actually be quite cold. We were sat on a bench under an umbrella at 3-4pm yesterday and I was sweatin like mad just sat there. Then to make it worse a mosquito started tryin to get my blood but my legs were too hairy for it to get a look in HAHA!!!
ALSO I got away with the weight limit (hooozar), there wasn't a fat man infront of me, Brits are very much the minority here, Americans seem easily offended (not my practice) and Karaoke bars here give you a WHOLE room to yourself. Yes. It's not the same when you sing infront of people you know though however you get flashing lights and an echo-ie microphone :D.


1 comment:

  1. Heellllooo Simon haha hint of pink bet you were like a beetroot head lol it sounds well good! glad ya enjoyin and loving the blog! xxx
