"And I tell you, if you have the desire for knowledge and the power to give it physcial expression, go out and explore... Some will tell you that you are mad, and nearly all will say, 'What is the use?' For we are a nation of shopkeepers, and no shopkeeper will look at research which does not promise him a financial return within a year. And so you will sledge nearly alone, but those with whom you sledge will not be shopkeepers: that is worth a great deal. If you march your Winter Journeys you will have your reward, so long as all you want is a penguin's egg."

-Apsley Cherry-Garrard, from
The Worst Journey in the World

Sunday 29 August 2010

ON Friday nightwe went into the city for Laurences birthday but never got around to booking a hotel (although my mentor teacher actually booked us into a lighthouse FOR FREE for the night but under some miscommunication we managed to decline her offer :O) so at 3am we remebered out problem and so decided to go to an all-night sauna type place to sleep. They are called 'Gingu bangs' and you pay equivalent to 3-4 pounds for a space on the floor, shower, sauna, sea-water pools (from cold, to warm, to nicely hot, to hotter hot, to hottest hot and then OH BOY hot) and pyjamas to sleep in aswell. To be brutally honest it was a bit strange to start with when we got to the lockers and a chap who had been many times before called Lucas said 'Just get naked'. It would seem that Korean men are very intrigued by naked white men which was ok with individual looks but when you stand up and a group of men all turn around to look it does make you slightly self-concious. So after the shower, the swim, the shower, the sauna and then another shower it literally was a case of changing into the pyjamas, finding a space of the floor and falling asleep. Quite fine :D.

Meself and Paul bought some bicycles yesterday and so cycled home from Jeju city to Hallim which took us about 3hours and we got caught in a PROPER monsoon episode when we were on the dual carriageway. Mum - I say dual carriageway but they got maximum of 70km an hour so it's not as crazy as Britain :D. Anyway because the road was filling up with so much water so quickly we were literally gettin soaked by the waves of water from vehicles and the oddest thing was how warm the water actually was; we had stopped to get a drink and there was a group of maybe 15kids jumping into the sea on a rope swing acting as though there was no rain to be felt. Definitely warm and definitively refreshing.

All along the roads the old ladies are drying out the sesame seed plants ready to be shaken out but it seems that sesame seeds are a bad deal as all the old old ladies who work in the fields have got serious back problems, however saying that they look to be about 80+ years old sometimes so I guess they are doing pretty good... or maybe just look old? Also I've heard so much about the women who dive for sea food but have not yet seen any... rumours are that they can hold their breath for 2minutes :O.

Am off to go find my school on a bicycle...

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