"And I tell you, if you have the desire for knowledge and the power to give it physcial expression, go out and explore... Some will tell you that you are mad, and nearly all will say, 'What is the use?' For we are a nation of shopkeepers, and no shopkeeper will look at research which does not promise him a financial return within a year. And so you will sledge nearly alone, but those with whom you sledge will not be shopkeepers: that is worth a great deal. If you march your Winter Journeys you will have your reward, so long as all you want is a penguin's egg."

-Apsley Cherry-Garrard, from
The Worst Journey in the World

Saturday 14 August 2010

Just got back from Seoul and am quite tired... on the first night we stayed out till 4am and last night we eventually got home at about 7am. The late nights are due to a liberation of my stomach and being able to eat! On Thursday we had a 2hr drive to Seoul and it seemed as though the food in my stomach wasn't going to be able to stay there... I walked as fluently as a bird in the sky and no sharts made thier way into my day. Life is great!

We make out way to English Camp tomorrow where we are allocated one child each to teach over the next four days; actually cannot wait! There are a few guys here who I think are going to make quite spectacular teachers when they begin, oddly enough they all seem to come from super large families so I'm guessing looking after and teaching younger brutters and schwestas comes natural to them. On the opposite end of the spectrum there are a few guys who look as though they would explode in anger or crumble in panic when they are in a class HOWEVER the day is still young and I am sure to be quite wrong... I just hope I ain't one of the chaps who ends out crumbling on the floor... although if it begins to look that way I'll just bemuse them with my hairy arms :D.

On Thursday we went to see the 'Nanta Performance' which is sort of like a play, but also a cooking lesson and also the most insane dancing a drumming ALL performed by five people. Korean's may look small but they have some sort of super power in thier arms. These performers juggled knives, breathed fire, cooked food, ran away from angry bosses, made sweet music from saucepans and soup bowels and married two members of the audience all in one hour.

OH BOY ALSO there was a club last night that let you in for free if you were a foreigner!! I went to the bar and the barman grabbed me as though I had known him for years, made my drink but before handing it over he tried some to make sure it was good :S. Koreans seem quite reserved dancers so our group got a fair bit of attention and a few of the locals were asking us for dancing lessons... I'll let you be the judge of whether thats a good motion or not.

Ended out in some massive area of flats trying to get back home today and they were all tower block style and I thought 'If I were in England now and I wasn't a native of the area, I'd be quite worried about the big group of lads wearing hoods over there' BUT THERE WEREN'T ANY!!!! there is a really good line of respect and wholesomeness in the air and I can't quite figure out why Britian doesn't have it as strong. But it must have taken yeaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaars to get it the way it is now. May well be in the blood and genes by now?

On the train today, all the seats face forward but if you like to look at peoples faces and chat to them, you can press a lever and the seats will spin around backwards to make a four seater! AND there is enough leg room to extend your leg fully and kick it in the air. Arriva Trains Wales has so much to learn from these people.

I just remebered that the guy on the door of the 'free for foreigners' club gave me a huge hug when we went in aswell. I really do think that they love foreigners. AND if you have no place to stay in Seoul, just buy some chips in Burger King and fall asleep on the table... there were quite a few people doing that last night.

I am tired an so shall go to bed.... PLEASE COMMENT; feel too much like I'm talking to myself just now. Just remeber that YES my parents do read this. Alright Dad! Hallo Mutter :D



  1. Hi Simon, I love reading your blog it makes me feel like I am there! Miss you! Ana

  2. Saw your blog linked on Carrie's fb and thought I'd come take a look and see what you are up to.

    Sounds like an amazing trip. The train sounds awesome. I've just got back from InterRailing and never went on a train that cool.
