"And I tell you, if you have the desire for knowledge and the power to give it physcial expression, go out and explore... Some will tell you that you are mad, and nearly all will say, 'What is the use?' For we are a nation of shopkeepers, and no shopkeeper will look at research which does not promise him a financial return within a year. And so you will sledge nearly alone, but those with whom you sledge will not be shopkeepers: that is worth a great deal. If you march your Winter Journeys you will have your reward, so long as all you want is a penguin's egg."

-Apsley Cherry-Garrard, from
The Worst Journey in the World

Saturday 4 September 2010

So turns out my first day at school was cancelled due to a typhoon WHICH was sort of bad as I couldn't ride my bike in a straight line from the wind but we were watching the news the day after and Seoul was hit so so badly... couldn't understand anything that the news was saying but the pictures were crazy ass... I'll try find some after.

ANYWAY Thursday was the first day of teaching and it went soooooo smoothly; I really don't think there were any problems; apparently 1st grade were bored but apparently they are hard to please :I. So then Friday came around and I went into school one hour early to set up everything on the pc and another teacher was using the room... so there was maybe a stage 3 scale panic at that moment. I found another PC and got all my stuff together on it and was sort of happy with my situation.

So to include how the apocalypse became the apocalypse I must tell you that my lesson for grades 1,2,3 and 4 was very much musical based as I wanted to try and lure them into getting English names for my class by playing scenes from the Simpsons, Disney tunes, Spongebob tunes... etc so they'd be MEGA excited and say 'SIMON TEACHER!!! THIS IS THE BEST LESSON EVER AND NOW I HAVE ENGLISH NAME I AM SO HAPPY!!!' and also every lesson was having a warm-up of musical chairs AND there was a song on Youtube called the 'Whats your name? song' which, on a separate now, is worth watching.

The lady who was teaching in my classroom said 10mins before my lesson 'Oh, the speakers are not working today but will be fixed by tommorow'. HAHA that was most definitely a stage 8 flashing lights panic stage. The lessons literally became a case of taking each minute by each minute so musical chairs still occured but I was making the music which the kids loved but I almost died from lack of breath THEN I had to be uber excited about a chair disappearing. THEN one kid came in late and said 'I want to play' so we did it ALL over again. ENGLISH NAMES: they didn't slip down a hill; they literally fell off a cliff, bounced back up again and then fell twice as hard.
I really can't type up what happened as I'll be here for a lifetime but basically they didn't understand the idea and so went on strike but 10mins before the end of the lesson we managed to resolve it and out of 14kids I got 12 names (inclusive of Spongebob, Spongebob 2, Buzz lightyear, Buzz lightyear 2, a Buzz. L, a 'Simpsons', Wayne Rooney and Aladdin and every name inbetween). Then my 4th graders pulled off Suji, Min, Genie and Cabbage. I don't even know where he got Cabbage from!?! Bottom line is I can now pronounce their names.

So after the English Names session, one girl said she was never coming back and the fourth graders looked as though they were gonna fall asleep. Might not sound like much but I was gutted. Then on the way home I bought an ice-cream, but the wrapper in the bin and the bin actually had written on it 'Cheer-up :D!'. Tomorrow is going to be a day of some seriously exciting lesson plans now.... YEAH feel that passion!!!!

Today I bought a Korean cook book in an attempt to force myself to understand the language or starve. Solid plan. Paul and I went to a restaurant on Thursday and just had to point and guess at food to order it, which, turned out to be really quite incredible food. He who dares wins!! Or maybe gets a plate of dirty tuna. Who knows?

SAW MY FIRST KOREAN FIGHT LAST NIGHT!! I think only one punch was thrown and the recieving guy had a face full of blood... proper ninjas. Then there was a guy behind us screaming and punching a metal face (he was really really REALLY drunk) because he had found out that day that his girlfriend was pregnant (I had a really good translater). He was very upset.

So I think I am done just now.... :D

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