"And I tell you, if you have the desire for knowledge and the power to give it physcial expression, go out and explore... Some will tell you that you are mad, and nearly all will say, 'What is the use?' For we are a nation of shopkeepers, and no shopkeeper will look at research which does not promise him a financial return within a year. And so you will sledge nearly alone, but those with whom you sledge will not be shopkeepers: that is worth a great deal. If you march your Winter Journeys you will have your reward, so long as all you want is a penguin's egg."

-Apsley Cherry-Garrard, from
The Worst Journey in the World

Saturday 11 December 2010

Today is not the nicest of days, its sort of cold, but not really cold because its totally over cast. One of those days when you really would not be able to tell the time if you were to look at the sky. Although all is not lost as I have my slipper socks on... try and battle that oh over cast day!!

Also there was about 26 people over this weekend from the mainland so we all went out last night and I managed to wake up at 12 today. Not best impressed but have I got essay to write? NO! Have I got presentations to do? NO! Have I got to go and do some volunteering at the opposite end of some estate? NO! I don't think I'll ever forget how easy and free time is on Jeju island. Best job ever.

In the place we went to last night they made you pay to sit down on a table, and then the dance floor would be playing music for maybe 20 minutes and then EVERYONE had to sit down for 10 minutes whilst something happened. Everytime. The word I heard the most last night was 'Wow'. As there was a big group of us and maybe half of us were white, the Korean chaps could not believe their eyes... 'WOW'. Every 5 minutes. WOW!
On Friday we were doing clothing and I made a stencil of Barak Obama and got the kids to dress him as a sort of test. I had four cups and in each cup was written a type of clothing: feet, legs, torso and head (hats). So the kids picked out a piece of paper and had to cut out the clothes and dress Obama. So after that lesson the Grade fours came in and saw pretty Obamas.

'Teacher! Teacher! Today Obama??'
I told em no and we was gonna have a competition between boys and girls to make the best Mrs. Santa Claus and best Mr. Santa Claus.

'Obama Teacher!! Obama??'

We made a compromise that they could stick Obamas face on Santa Claus so hence, Mrs. Obama Claus is next to thier Christmas tree. The boys didn't do so well on that one and still have to stick Mr. Obama Claus together.
Also the kids are going nuts for paper chains. On Friday Grades 1 and 2 had the choice to make a really cool angel, or more hands for the Christmas tree or paper chains. ALL of them went for the paper chains. I actually have a paper chain room now and have hard patches on my hands from where I've used the scissors to cut up hundreds of pieces of paper for the chains. Next week is going to be such a let down for them now as NO PAPER CHAINS.

If nothing else, they have learnt to say 'paper please' now instead of 'Jonge juice say yo!' (check this out; Hangul version is 종이주세요 :D:D:D)

Maybe if they become an artist in Britain then my teaching has done them some use.

"Paper please!"

Also check this out for good learning:

토요일 에 마라도 갔어요. 매우 아름 다웠어요. 나는 차를 운전했어요. 매우천천히갔어요. 나는많은 강아지를 봤어요.

Phonic translation is:

Toe yo il eh Marado kas oh yo. Mair ooo ah rum da owa so yo. Na nuhn cha rull un jon hes seo yo. Mair oo chun chun he gat seo yo. Na nuhn manh un gang a ji rull bohat seo yo.

And then English is: On Saturday I went to Marado. It was very beautiful. I drove a car. It was very slow. I saw many dogs.

They call me Mr. Cultural

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