"And I tell you, if you have the desire for knowledge and the power to give it physcial expression, go out and explore... Some will tell you that you are mad, and nearly all will say, 'What is the use?' For we are a nation of shopkeepers, and no shopkeeper will look at research which does not promise him a financial return within a year. And so you will sledge nearly alone, but those with whom you sledge will not be shopkeepers: that is worth a great deal. If you march your Winter Journeys you will have your reward, so long as all you want is a penguin's egg."

-Apsley Cherry-Garrard, from
The Worst Journey in the World

Saturday 30 October 2010

On Friday it was Halloween Party Day for all the grades. In 3 classes I had two kids storm out, 3 kids cry and it was the day that the Vice-Principal of the school and my Mentor teacher decided to sit in on my lesson and see how I was doing. It was also the day that my co-teacher wasn't in and WHAT a day it was!!

In the first and second grade (infront of the Vice-Principal) two kids decided to get under the table and refused to get out because they weren't playing the game (they wouldn't stop talking when I was explaining it) ; however I managed to wrangle it when I stopped the whole class and said that we wouldn't play any more games and the WHOLE class went ape sh*t at them and they shot out then :).

Then in Grade 3 we were dressing up as zombie mummies using bog roll and the class literally went crazy. I think in the confusion one kid hit another and then bog roll was being lobbed at faces and the room was just a blur of flying toilet paper so we stopped that game, tidyed up and Halloween finished in one small moment. They were PROPER gutted!!!

The grade four class were AMAZING apart from me number 1 student who walked in late, so I (jokingly) said 'NO PARTY CABBAGE!' (his name is Cabbage) and he stormed out, closely followed by his mate who HATES English and will use any excuse to show this.

So at the end the Vice-Principal said (translated):

"You are a very at controlling the class... your lessons are very fun and exciting and you are a very good teacher as your classes are much bigger than the previous teacher and now many children enjoy English... I will be happy to reccomend you to extend your contract"


I know I'm bragging when I put that down, but the reasoning is that I was stunned. I genuinely believe I'm quite a bad teacher as the kids kick my ass in lessons, they don't learn half as much English as I'd like them too and I think the reason the classes are big is because we play outside some days. Either way, the school is quite quite happy!!!

So Friday night I went for a few drnks with the guys who I played football with last Saturday. I had to be awake at 6am this morning (Sat) as we had to go and do a dance and a stall at a talent show in the Southern city of Seogwippo SO I was having a mega early night.

I think we started at 9.30pm and I kept being introduced to more and more people (I think 5 different groups all told and with the culture here it's very hard to up and leave) so it was quite hard to get away. Then six of us went to a Karaoke bar and before I knew it, it was 3am. We finished the night there and waited for a taxi.

A man walked up to us and properly slapped one a guy called 'Robot' (he was given an 'English name' by an American) on the back of the head. He shouted at everybody and went into the shop behind us. I was quite confused and was staring at this man really hard, so as soon as he left, all the guys were saying 'NO NO NO do not stare!! He is very drunk and angry!!'

So oddly enough, when he came out of the shop, everybody was looking at the floor (it's the hierarchy thing again I think).

Our taxi pulled up and the man said (in translation) "This is my taxi", then a chap from our group said 'No, this is our taxi', then the man went MENTAL and grabbed him, threw him against a car and began punching him like crazy. At this moment everything went crazy.

Nobody fought him, the Korean chaps just tried to restrain him, count to three, let him go, and he'd do it all over again. By the end of this game, one guy had a busted lip and cut cheek, I had a nose full of blood and a fantastic rush of blood to the head (consequently my nose is now bigger than my sisters :S), two pairs of glasses had been smashed and everybody was quite confused.

Although I must say that even though it was a bad end to the night, Robot has offered to help me learn how to cook Korean food starting tomorrow :D!!!

So the night ended at 5am this morning with the largest part of it being spent in the police station giving written accounts of what happened. Luckily the chaps I was with are well known here so the police knew they weren't bad people and were on thier side. Throughout the entire period of being in the police station, the chaps I was with (Ji Won, Young Ho, Robot, Ladakh and Soon Chil) would say every 5minutes or so 'Sorry Simon, so so sorry. Sorry'.
Honestly they would not stop.

And then...

Today we were given the opportunity to get an extra 3 days holiday if we participated in a Global Language Festival in Seogwippo. The deal was you get 2 days if you manned a stall and another extra day if you participated in the talent show.

So the talent that 14 of us did was a dance infront of many hundreds of Korean children to one of the Korean pop songs 'Bo Beep' (http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=m5T_D_8JV54), although our dance was WELL much better than this one. So we bagged ourselves a third day holiday!! And with only 2hrs sleep.

I am proper knackered now. I upload some pictures...

1 comment:

  1. Mate! Can't believe you got punched. Unlucky!
    What's this about extending your contract? Will this mean you'll be out there longer than 6 months?
